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namestringThe name of the enterprise which is generated by the server during creation, in the form enterprises/{enterpriseId}.
pubsubTopicstringThe topic which Pub/Sub notifications are published to, in the form projects/{project}/topics/{topic}. This field is only required if Pub/Sub notifications are enabled.
contactInfoobjectContact details for managed Google Play enterprises.
enabledNotificationTypesarrayThe types of Google Pub/Sub notifications enabled for the enterprise.
appAutoApprovalEnabledbooleanDeprecated and unused.
primaryColorintegerA color in RGB format that indicates the predominant color to display in the device management app UI. The color components are stored as follows: (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue, where the value of each component is between 0 and 255, inclusive.
signinDetailsarraySign-in details of the enterprise.
enterpriseDisplayNamestringThe name of the enterprise displayed to users.
logoobjectData hosted at an external location. The data is to be downloaded by Android Device Policy and verified against the hash.
termsAndConditionsarrayTerms and conditions that must be accepted when provisioning a device for this enterprise. A page of terms is generated for each value in this list.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTenterprisesIdGets an enterprise.
listSELECTLists EMM-managed enterprises. Only BASIC fields are returned.
createINSERTCreates an enterprise. This is the last step in the enterprise signup flow.
deleteDELETEenterprisesIdDeletes an enterprise. Only available for EMM-managed enterprises.
patchEXECenterprisesIdUpdates an enterprise.