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idstringThe ID of the achievement.
formattedCurrentStepsStringstringThe current steps for an incremental achievement as a string.
kindstringUniquely identifies the type of this resource. Value is always the fixed string games#playerAchievement.
lastUpdatedTimestampstringThe timestamp of the last modification to this achievement's state.
achievementStatestringThe state of the achievement.
currentStepsintegerThe current steps for an incremental achievement.
experiencePointsstringExperience points earned for the achievement. This field is absent for achievements that have not yet been unlocked and 0 for achievements that have been unlocked by testers but that are unpublished.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
listSELECTplayerIdLists the progress for all your application's achievements for the currently authenticated player.
incrementEXECachievementId, stepsToIncrementIncrements the steps of the achievement with the given ID for the currently authenticated player.
revealEXECachievementIdSets the state of the achievement with the given ID to REVEALED for the currently authenticated player.
setStepsAtLeastEXECachievementId, stepsSets the steps for the currently authenticated player towards unlocking an achievement. If the steps parameter is less than the current number of steps that the player already gained for the achievement, the achievement is not modified.
unlockEXECachievementIdUnlocks this achievement for the currently authenticated player.
updateMultipleEXECUpdates multiple achievements for the currently authenticated player.