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namestringOptional. Resource name of the subscription. It will have the format of "partners/{partner_id}/subscriptions/{subscription_id}". This is available for authorizeAddon, but otherwise is response only.
upgradeDowngradeDetailsobjectDetails about the previous subscription that this new subscription upgrades/downgrades from.
processingStatestringOutput only. Describes the processing state of the subscription. See more details at the lifecycle of a subscription.
redirectUristringOutput only. The place where partners should redirect the end-user to after creation. This field might also be populated when creation failed. However, Partners should always prepare a default URL to redirect the user in case this field is empty.
promotionsarrayOptional. Deprecated: consider using the top-level promotion_specs as the input. Optional. Resource name that identifies one or more promotions that can be applied on the product. A typical promotion for a subscription is Free trial. The format will be 'partners/{partner_id}/promotions/{promotion_id}'.
statestringOutput only. Describes the state of the subscription. See more details at the lifecycle of a subscription.
freeTrialEndTimestringOutput only. End of the free trial period, in ISO 8061 format. For example, "2019-08-31T17:28:54.564Z". It will be set the same as createTime if no free trial promotion is specified.
productsarrayRequired. Deprecated: consider using line_items as the input. Required. Resource name that identifies the purchased products. The format will be 'partners/{partner_id}/products/{product_id}'.
cancellationDetailsobjectDescribes the details of a cancelled or cancelling subscription.
endUserEntitledbooleanOutput only. Indicates if the subscription is entitled to the end user.
createTimestringOutput only. System generated timestamp when the subscription is created. UTC timezone.
renewalTimestringOutput only. The time at which the subscription is expected to be renewed by Google - a new charge will be incurred and the service entitlement will be renewed. A non-immediate cancellation will take place at this time too, before which, the service entitlement for the end user will remain valid. UTC timezone in ISO 8061 format. For example: "2019-08-31T17:28:54.564Z"
promotionSpecsarrayOptional. Subscription-level promotions. Only free trial is supported on this level. It determines the first renewal time of the subscription to be the end of the free trial period. Specify the promotion resource name only when used as input.
updateTimestringOutput only. System generated timestamp when the subscription is most recently updated. UTC timezone.
cycleEndTimestringOutput only. The time at which the subscription is expected to be extended, in ISO 8061 format. UTC timezone. For example: "2019-08-31T17:28:54.564Z"
serviceLocationobjectDescribes a location of an end user.
lineItemsarrayRequired. The line items of the subscription.
partnerUserTokenstringRequired. Identifier of the end-user in partner’s system. The value is restricted to 63 ASCII characters at the maximum.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
partners_subscriptions_getSELECTpartnersId, subscriptionsIdUsed by partners to get a subscription by id. It should be called directly by the partner using service accounts.
partners_subscriptions_createINSERTpartnersIdUsed by partners to create a subscription for their customers. The created subscription is associated with the end user inferred from the end user credentials. This API must be authorized by the end user using OAuth.
partners_subscriptions_cancelEXECpartnersId, subscriptionsIdUsed by partners to cancel a subscription service either immediately or by the end of the current billing cycle for their customers. It should be called directly by the partner using service accounts.
partners_subscriptions_entitleEXECpartnersId, subscriptionsIdUsed by partners to entitle a previously provisioned subscription to the current end user. The end user identity is inferred from the authorized credential of the request. This API must be authorized by the end user using OAuth.
partners_subscriptions_extendEXECpartnersId, subscriptionsId[Deprecated] New partners should be on auto-extend by default. Used by partners to extend a subscription service for their customers on an ongoing basis for the subscription to remain active and renewable. It should be called directly by the partner using service accounts.
partners_subscriptions_provisionEXECpartnersIdUsed by partners to provision a subscription for their customers. This creates a subscription without associating it with the end user account. EntitleSubscription must be called separately using OAuth in order for the end user account to be associated with the subscription. It should be called directly by the partner using service accounts.
partners_subscriptions_undoCancelEXECpartnersId, subscriptionsIdUsed by partners to revoke the pending cancellation of a subscription, which is currently in STATE_CANCEL_AT_END_OF_CYCLE state. If the subscription is already cancelled, the request will fail. It should be called directly by the partner using service accounts.