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lastSubmittedstringDate & time in which this sitemap was submitted. Date format is in RFC 3339 format (yyyy-mm-dd).
isSitemapsIndexbooleanIf true, the sitemap is a collection of sitemaps.
pathstringThe url of the sitemap.
typestringThe type of the sitemap. For example: rssFeed.
errorsstringNumber of errors in the sitemap. These are issues with the sitemap itself that need to be fixed before it can be processed correctly.
isPendingbooleanIf true, the sitemap has not been processed.
lastDownloadedstringDate & time in which this sitemap was last downloaded. Date format is in RFC 3339 format (yyyy-mm-dd).
warningsstringNumber of warnings for the sitemap. These are generally non-critical issues with URLs in the sitemaps.
contentsarrayThe various content types in the sitemap.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
webmasters_sitemaps_getSELECTfeedpath, siteUrlRetrieves information about a specific sitemap.
webmasters_sitemaps_listSELECTsiteUrlLists the sitemaps-entries submitted for this site, or included in the sitemap index file (if sitemapIndex is specified in the request).
webmasters_sitemaps_deleteDELETEfeedpath, siteUrlDeletes a sitemap from the Sitemaps report. Does not stop Google from crawling this sitemap or the URLs that were previously crawled in the deleted sitemap.
webmasters_sitemaps_submitEXECfeedpath, siteUrlSubmits a sitemap for a site.