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namestringOutput only. The API resource name in the format partners/[PARTNER_ID]/devices/[DEVICE_ID]. Assigned by the server.
claimsarrayOutput only. The provisioning claims for a device. Devices claimed for zero-touch enrollment have a claim with the type SECTION_TYPE_ZERO_TOUCH. Call partners.devices.unclaim or partners.devices.unclaimAsync to remove the device from zero-touch enrollment.
configurationstringNot available to resellers.
deviceIdstringOutput only. The ID of the device. Assigned by the server.
deviceIdentifierobjectEncapsulates hardware and product IDs to identify a manufactured device. To understand requirements on identifier sets, read Identifiers.
deviceMetadataobjectMetadata entries that can be attached to a Device. To learn more, read Device metadata.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
customers_devices_getSELECTcustomersId, devicesIdGets the details of a device.
customers_devices_listSELECTcustomersIdLists a customer's devices.
partners_devices_getSELECTdevicesId, partnersIdGets a device.
customers_devices_applyConfigurationEXECcustomersIdApplies a Configuration to the device to register the device for zero-touch enrollment. After applying a configuration to a device, the device automatically provisions itself on first boot, or next factory reset.
customers_devices_unclaimEXECcustomersIdUnclaims a device from a customer and removes it from zero-touch enrollment. After removing a device, a customer must contact their reseller to register the device into zero-touch enrollment again.
partners_devices_claimEXECpartnersIdClaims a device for a customer and adds it to zero-touch enrollment. If the device is already claimed by another customer, the call returns an error.
partners_devices_claimAsyncEXECpartnersIdClaims a batch of devices for a customer asynchronously. Adds the devices to zero-touch enrollment. To learn more, read Long‑running batch operations.
partners_devices_findByIdentifierEXECpartnersIdFinds devices by hardware identifiers, such as IMEI.
partners_devices_findByOwnerEXECpartnersIdFinds devices claimed for customers. The results only contain devices registered to the reseller that's identified by the partnerId argument. The customer's devices purchased from other resellers don't appear in the results.
partners_devices_metadataEXECdevicesId, partnersIdUpdates reseller metadata associated with the device. Android devices only.
partners_devices_unclaimEXECpartnersIdUnclaims a device from a customer and removes it from zero-touch enrollment.
partners_devices_unclaimAsyncEXECpartnersIdUnclaims a batch of devices for a customer asynchronously. Removes the devices from zero-touch enrollment. To learn more, read Long‑running batch operations.
partners_devices_updateMetadataAsyncEXECpartnersIdUpdates the reseller metadata attached to a batch of devices. This method updates devices asynchronously and returns an Operation that can be used to track progress. Read Long‑running batch operations. Android Devices only.