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installStatestringInstall state. The state "installPending" means that an install request has recently been made and download to the device is in progress. The state "installed" means that the app has been installed. This field is read-only.
productIdstringThe ID of the product that the install is for. For example, "".
versionCodeintegerThe version of the installed product. Guaranteed to be set only if the install state is "installed".


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTdeviceId, enterpriseId, installId, userIdRetrieves details of an installation of an app on a device.
listSELECTdeviceId, enterpriseId, userIdRetrieves the details of all apps installed on the specified device.
deleteDELETEdeviceId, enterpriseId, installId, userIdRequests to remove an app from a device. A call to get or list will still show the app as installed on the device until it is actually removed.
updateEXECdeviceId, enterpriseId, installId, userIdRequests to install the latest version of an app to a device. If the app is already installed, then it is updated to the latest version if necessary.