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configurationVariablesobjectA configuration variables resource contains the managed configuration settings ID to be applied to a single user, as well as the variable set that is attributed to the user. The variable set will be used to replace placeholders in the managed configuration settings.
managedPropertyarrayThe set of managed properties for this configuration.
productIdstringThe ID of the product that the managed configuration is for, e.g. "".


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTenterpriseId, managedConfigurationForUserId, userIdRetrieves details of a per-user managed configuration for an app for the specified user.
listSELECTenterpriseId, userIdLists all the per-user managed configurations for the specified user. Only the ID is set.
deleteDELETEenterpriseId, managedConfigurationForUserId, userIdRemoves a per-user managed configuration for an app for the specified user.
updateEXECenterpriseId, managedConfigurationForUserId, userIdAdds or updates the managed configuration settings for an app for the specified user. If you support the Managed configurations iframe, you can apply managed configurations to a user by specifying an mcmId and its associated configuration variables (if any) in the request. Alternatively, all EMMs can apply managed configurations by passing a list of managed properties.