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namestringThe resource name of the finalized deal. Format: buyers/{accountId}/finalizeddeals/{finalizedDealId}
dealPausingInfoobjectInformation related to deal pausing.
dealServingStatusstringServing status of the deal.
readyToServebooleanWhether the Programmatic Guaranteed deal is ready for serving.
rtbMetricsobjectReal-time bidding metrics. For what each metric means refer to Report metrics
dealobjectA deal represents a segment of inventory for displaying ads that contains the terms and targeting information that is used for serving as well as the deal stats and status. Note: A proposal may contain multiple deals.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
bidders_finalizedDeals_listSELECTbiddersIdLists finalized deals. Use the URL path "/v1/buyers/{accountId}/finalizedDeals" to list finalized deals for the current buyer and its clients. Bidders can use the URL path "/v1/bidders/{accountId}/finalizedDeals" to list finalized deals for the bidder, its buyers and all their clients.
buyers_finalizedDeals_getSELECTbuyersId, finalizedDealsIdGets a finalized deal given its name.
buyers_finalizedDeals_listSELECTbuyersIdLists finalized deals. Use the URL path "/v1/buyers/{accountId}/finalizedDeals" to list finalized deals for the current buyer and its clients. Bidders can use the URL path "/v1/bidders/{accountId}/finalizedDeals" to list finalized deals for the bidder, its buyers and all their clients.
buyers_finalizedDeals_pauseEXECbuyersId, finalizedDealsIdPauses serving of the given finalized deal. This call only pauses the serving status, and does not affect other fields of the finalized deal. Calling this method for an already paused deal has no effect. This method only applies to programmatic guaranteed deals.
buyers_finalizedDeals_resumeEXECbuyersId, finalizedDealsIdResumes serving of the given finalized deal. Calling this method for an running deal has no effect. If a deal is initially paused by the seller, calling this method will not resume serving of the deal until the seller also resumes the deal. This method only applies to programmatic guaranteed deals.
buyers_finalizedDeals_setReadyToServeEXECbuyersId, finalizedDealsIdSets the given finalized deal as ready to serve. By default, deals are set as ready to serve as soon as they're finalized. If you want to opt out of the default behavior, and manually indicate that deals are ready to serve, ask your Technical Account Manager to add you to the allowlist. If you choose to use this method, finalized deals belonging to the bidder and its child seats don't start serving until after you call setReadyToServe, and after the deals become active. For example, you can use this method to delay receiving bid requests until your creative is ready. This method only applies to programmatic guaranteed deals.