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namestringName of the publisher profile. Format: buyers/{buyer}/publisherProfiles/{publisher_profile}
displayNamestringDisplay name of the publisher profile. Can be used to filter the response of the publisherProfiles.list method.
isParentbooleanIndicates if this profile is the parent profile of the seller. A parent profile represents all the inventory from the seller, as opposed to child profile that is created to brand a portion of inventory. One seller has only one parent publisher profile, and can have multiple child profiles. See for details. Can be used to filter the response of the publisherProfiles.list method by setting the filter to "is_parent: true".
domainsarrayThe list of domains represented in this publisher profile. Empty if this is a parent profile. These are top private domains, meaning that these will not contain a string like "", but will instead contain "". Can be used to filter the response of the publisherProfiles.list method.
audienceDescriptionstringDescription on the publisher's audience.
samplePageUrlstringURL to a sample content page.
pitchStatementstringStatement explaining what's unique about publisher's business, and why buyers should partner with the publisher.
topHeadlinesarrayUp to three key metrics and rankings. For example, "#1 Mobile News Site for 20 Straight Months".
mediaKitUrlstringURL to additional marketing and sales materials.
publisherCodestringA unique identifying code for the seller. This value is the same for all of the seller's parent and child publisher profiles. Can be used to filter the response of the publisherProfiles.list method.
logoUrlstringA Google public URL to the logo for this publisher profile. The logo is stored as a PNG, JPG, or GIF image.
overviewstringOverview of the publisher.
directDealsContactstringContact information for direct reservation deals. This is free text entered by the publisher and may include information like names, phone numbers and email addresses.
programmaticDealsContactstringContact information for programmatic deals. This is free text entered by the publisher and may include information like names, phone numbers and email addresses.
mobileAppsarrayThe list of apps represented in this publisher profile. Empty if this is a parent profile.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
buyers_publisherProfiles_getSELECTbuyersId, publisherProfilesIdGets the requested publisher profile by name.
buyers_publisherProfiles_listSELECTbuyersIdLists publisher profiles. The returned publisher profiles aren't in any defined order. The order of the results might change. A new publisher profile can appear in any place in the list of returned results.