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idstringThe ID of this API.
namestringThe name of this API.
descriptionstringThe description of this API.
schemasobjectThe schemas for this API.
basePathstring[DEPRECATED] The base path for REST requests.
etagstringThe ETag for this response.
revisionstringThe version of this API.
kindstringThe kind for this response.
batchPathstringThe path for REST batch requests.
discoveryVersionstringIndicate the version of the Discovery API used to generate this doc.
titlestringThe title of this API.
featuresarrayA list of supported features for this API.
ownerNamestringThe name of the owner of this API. See ownerDomain.
protocolstringThe protocol described by this document.
packagePathstringThe package of the owner of this API. See ownerDomain.
canonicalNamestringIndicates how the API name should be capitalized and split into various parts. Useful for generating pretty class names.
ownerDomainstringThe domain of the owner of this API. Together with the ownerName and a packagePath values, this can be used to generate a library for this API which would have a unique fully qualified name.
documentationLinkstringA link to human readable documentation for the API.
resourcesobjectThe resources in this API.
labelsarrayLabels for the status of this API, such as labs or deprecated.
baseUrlstring[DEPRECATED] The base URL for REST requests.
exponentialBackoffDefaultbooleanEnable exponential backoff for suitable methods in the generated clients.
rootUrlstringThe root URL under which all API services live.
iconsobjectLinks to 16x16 and 32x32 icons representing the API.
methodsobjectAPI-level methods for this API.
versionstringThe version of this API.
servicePathstringThe base path for all REST requests.
parametersobjectCommon parameters that apply across all apis.
authobjectAuthentication information.


NameAccessible byRequired Params
apis_getRestSELECTapi, version