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nicknamesarrayThe person's nicknames.
urlsarrayThe person's associated URLs.
clientDataarrayThe person's client data.
relationshipStatusesarrayOutput only. DEPRECATED: No data will be returned The person's relationship statuses.
occupationsarrayThe person's occupations.
taglinesarrayOutput only. DEPRECATED: No data will be returned The person's taglines.
skillsarrayThe person's skills.
userDefinedarrayThe person's user defined data.
miscKeywordsarrayThe person's miscellaneous keywords.
imClientsarrayThe person's instant messaging clients.
sipAddressesarrayThe person's SIP addresses.
resourceNamestringThe resource name for the person, assigned by the server. An ASCII string in the form of people/{person_id}.
externalIdsarrayThe person's external IDs.
fileAsesarrayThe person's file-ases.
localesarrayThe person's locale preferences.
biographiesarrayThe person's biographies. This field is a singleton for contact sources.
locationsarrayThe person's locations.
residencesarrayDEPRECATED: (Please use person.locations instead) The person's residences.
relationsarrayThe person's relations.
gendersarrayThe person's genders. This field is a singleton for contact sources.
relationshipInterestsarrayOutput only. DEPRECATED: No data will be returned The person's relationship interests.
eventsarrayThe person's events.
calendarUrlsarrayThe person's calendar URLs.
coverPhotosarrayOutput only. The person's cover photos.
braggingRightsarrayDEPRECATED: No data will be returned The person's bragging rights.
membershipsarrayThe person's group memberships.
organizationsarrayThe person's past or current organizations.
etagstringThe HTTP entity tag of the resource. Used for web cache validation.
namesarrayThe person's names. This field is a singleton for contact sources.
metadataobjectThe metadata about a person.
birthdaysarrayThe person's birthdays. This field is a singleton for contact sources.
emailAddressesarrayThe person's email addresses. For people.connections.list and otherContacts.list the number of email addresses is limited to 100. If a Person has more email addresses the entire set can be obtained by calling GetPeople.
phoneNumbersarrayThe person's phone numbers. For people.connections.list and otherContacts.list the number of phone numbers is limited to 100. If a Person has more phone numbers the entire set can be obtained by calling GetPeople.
photosarrayOutput only. The person's photos.
addressesarrayThe person's street addresses.
ageRangesarrayOutput only. The person's age ranges.
ageRangestringOutput only. DEPRECATED (Please use person.ageRanges instead) The person's age range.
interestsarrayThe person's interests.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTpeopleIdProvides information about a person by specifying a resource name. Use people/me to indicate the authenticated user. The request returns a 400 error if 'personFields' is not specified.
batchCreateContactsEXECCreate a batch of new contacts and return the PersonResponses for the newly Mutate requests for the same user should be sent sequentially to avoid increased latency and failures.
batchDeleteContactsEXECDelete a batch of contacts. Any non-contact data will not be deleted. Mutate requests for the same user should be sent sequentially to avoid increased latency and failures.
batchUpdateContactsEXECUpdate a batch of contacts and return a map of resource names to PersonResponses for the updated contacts. Mutate requests for the same user should be sent sequentially to avoid increased latency and failures.
searchContactsEXECProvides a list of contacts in the authenticated user's grouped contacts that matches the search query. The query matches on a contact's names, nickNames, emailAddresses, phoneNumbers, and organizations fields that are from the CONTACT source. IMPORTANT: Before searching, clients should send a warmup request with an empty query to update the cache. See
searchDirectoryPeopleEXECProvides a list of domain profiles and domain contacts in the authenticated user's domain directory that match the search query.
updateContactEXECpeopleIdUpdate contact data for an existing contact person. Any non-contact data will not be modified. Any non-contact data in the person to update will be ignored. All fields specified in the update_mask will be replaced. The server returns a 400 error if person.metadata.sources is not specified for the contact to be updated or if there is no contact source. The server returns a 400 error with reason "failedPrecondition" if person.metadata.sources.etag is different than the contact's etag, which indicates the contact has changed since its data was read. Clients should get the latest person and merge their updates into the latest person. The server returns a 400 error if memberships are being updated and there are no contact group memberships specified on the person. The server returns a 400 error if more than one field is specified on a field that is a singleton for contact sources: biographies birthdays genders names Mutate requests for the same user should be sent sequentially to avoid increased latency and failures.
updateContactPhotoEXECpeopleIdUpdate a contact's photo. Mutate requests for the same user should be sent sequentially to avoid increased latency and failures.