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idstringRequired. Output only. The REST promotion ID to uniquely identify the promotion. Content API methods that operate on promotions take this as their promotionId parameter. The REST ID for a promotion is of the form channel:contentLanguage:targetCountry:promotionId The channel field has a value of "online", "in_store", or "online_in_store".
promotionEffectiveTimePeriodobjectA message that represents a time period.
genericRedemptionCodestringGeneric redemption code for the promotion. To be used with the offerType field.
productApplicabilitystringRequired. Applicability of the promotion to either all products or only specific products.
itemIdExclusionarrayProduct filter by item ID exclusion for the promotion.
itemGroupIdExclusionarrayProduct filter by item group ID exclusion for the promotion.
brandarrayProduct filter by brand for the promotion.
freeGiftDescriptionstringFree gift description for the promotion.
couponValueTypestringRequired. Coupon value type for the promotion.
longTitlestringRequired. Long title for the promotion.
promotionIdstringRequired. The user provided promotion ID to uniquely identify the promotion.
freeGiftItemIdstringFree gift item ID for the promotion.
promotionDisplayDatesstringString representation of the promotion display dates. Deprecated. Use promotion_display_time_period instead.
moneyOffAmountobjectThe price represented as a number and currency.
shippingServiceNamesarrayShipping service names for the promotion.
limitQuantityintegerMaximum purchase quantity for the promotion.
brandExclusionarrayProduct filter by brand exclusion for the promotion.
itemIdarrayProduct filter by item ID for the promotion.
getThisQuantityDiscountedintegerThe number of items discounted in the promotion.
offerTypestringRequired. Type of the promotion.
contentLanguagestringRequired. The content language used as part of the unique identifier. en content language is available for all target countries. fr content language is available for CA and FR target countries, and de content language is available for DE target country.
promotionDestinationIdsarrayDestination ID for the promotion.
itemGroupIdarrayProduct filter by item group ID for the promotion.
freeGiftValueobjectThe price represented as a number and currency.
minimumPurchaseAmountobjectThe price represented as a number and currency.
orderLimitintegerOrder limit for the promotion.
productTypearrayProduct filter by product type for the promotion.
promotionUrlstringURL to the page on the merchant's site where the promotion shows. Local Inventory ads promotions throw an error if no promo url is included. URL is used to confirm that the promotion is valid and can be redeemed.
storeApplicabilitystringWhether the promotion applies to all stores, or only specified stores. Local Inventory ads promotions throw an error if no store applicability is included. An INVALID_ARGUMENT error is thrown if store_applicability is set to ALL_STORES and store_code or score_code_exclusion is set to a value.
redemptionChannelarrayRequired. Redemption channel for the promotion. At least one channel is required.
percentOffintegerThe percentage discount offered in the promotion.
promotionEffectiveDatesstringString representation of the promotion effective dates. Deprecated. Use promotion_effective_time_period instead.
limitValueobjectThe price represented as a number and currency.
minimumPurchaseQuantityintegerMinimum purchase quantity for the promotion.
moneyBudgetobjectThe price represented as a number and currency.
targetCountrystringRequired. The target country used as part of the unique identifier. Can be AU, CA, DE, FR, GB, IN or US.
productTypeExclusionarrayProduct filter by product type exclusion for the promotion.
promotionDisplayTimePeriodobjectA message that represents a time period.
promotionStatusobjectThe status of the promotion.
storeCodeExclusionarrayStore codes to exclude for the promotion.
storeCodearrayStore codes to include for the promotion.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTid, merchantIdRetrieves a promotion from your Merchant Center account.
createINSERTmerchantIdInserts a promotion for your Merchant Center account. If the promotion already exists, then it updates the promotion instead. To [end or delete] ( a promotion update the time period of the promotion to a time that has already passed.