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namestringThe name of the policy as shown in Merchant Center.
returnMethodsarrayThe return methods of how customers can return an item. This value is required to not be empty unless the type of return policy is noReturns.
countriesarrayThe countries of sale where the return policy is applicable. The values must be a valid 2 letter ISO 3166 code, e.g. "US".
policyobjectThe available policies.
returnPolicyUristringThe return policy uri. This can used by Google to do a sanity check for the policy.
returnReasonCategoryInfoarrayThe return reason category information. This required to not be empty unless the type of return policy is noReturns.
restockingFeeobjectThe restocking fee. This can either be a fixed fee or a micro percent.
returnPolicyIdstringOutput only. Return policy ID generated by Google.
labelstringThe unique user-defined label of the return policy. The same label cannot be used in different return policies for the same country. Policies with the label 'default' will apply to all products, unless a product specifies a return_policy_label attribute.
itemConditionsarrayThe item conditions that are accepted for returns. This is required to not be empty unless the type of return policy is noReturns.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTmerchantId, returnPolicyIdGets an existing return policy.
listSELECTmerchantIdLists all existing return policies.
createINSERTmerchantIdCreates a new return policy.
deleteDELETEmerchantId, returnPolicyIdDeletes an existing return policy.
patchEXECmerchantId, returnPolicyIdUpdates an existing return policy.