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namestringOutput only. The resource name of the advertiser.
prismaEnabledbooleanWhether integration with Mediaocean (Prisma) is enabled. By enabling this, you agree to the following: On behalf of my company, I authorize Mediaocean (Prisma) to send budget segment plans to Google, and I authorize Google to send corresponding reporting and invoices from DV360 to Mediaocean for the purposes of budget planning, billing, and reconciliation for this advertiser.
updateTimestringOutput only. The timestamp when the advertiser was last updated. Assigned by the system.
partnerIdstringRequired. Immutable. The unique ID of the partner that the advertiser belongs to.
servingConfigobjectTargeting settings related to ad serving of an advertiser.
billingConfigobjectBilling related settings of an advertiser.
entityStatusstringRequired. Controls whether or not insertion orders and line items of the advertiser can spend their budgets and bid on inventory. Accepted values are ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE, ENTITY_STATUS_PAUSED and ENTITY_STATUS_SCHEDULED_FOR_DELETION. If set to ENTITY_STATUS_SCHEDULED_FOR_DELETION, the advertiser will be deleted 30 days from when it was first scheduled for deletion.
generalConfigobjectGeneral settings of an advertiser.
dataAccessConfigobjectSettings that control how advertiser related data may be accessed.
creativeConfigobjectCreatives related settings of an advertiser.
displayNamestringRequired. The display name of the advertiser. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a maximum size of 240 bytes.
adServerConfigobjectAd server related settings of an advertiser.
advertiserIdstringOutput only. The unique ID of the advertiser. Assigned by the system.
integrationDetailsobjectIntegration details of an entry.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getSELECTadvertisersIdGets an advertiser.
listSELECTLists advertisers that are accessible to the current user. The order is defined by the order_by parameter. A single partner_id is required. Cross-partner listing is not supported.
createINSERTCreates a new advertiser. Returns the newly created advertiser if successful. This method can take up to 180 seconds to complete.
deleteDELETEadvertisersIdDeletes an advertiser. Deleting an advertiser will delete all of its child resources, for example, campaigns, insertion orders and line items. A deleted advertiser cannot be recovered.
auditEXECadvertisersIdAudits an advertiser. Returns the counts of used entities per resource type under the advertiser provided. Used entities count towards their respective resource limit. See
editAssignedTargetingOptionsEXECadvertisersIdEdits targeting options under a single advertiser. The operation will delete the assigned targeting options provided in BulkEditAdvertiserAssignedTargetingOptionsRequest.delete_requests and then create the assigned targeting options provided in BulkEditAdvertiserAssignedTargetingOptionsRequest.create_requests .
patchEXECadvertisersIdUpdates an existing advertiser. Returns the updated advertiser if successful.