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namestringOutput only. The resource name of the guaranteed order.
statusobjectThe status settings of the guaranteed order.
defaultCampaignIdstringThe ID of the default campaign that is assigned to the guaranteed order. The default campaign must belong to the default advertiser.
guaranteedOrderIdstringOutput only. The unique identifier of the guaranteed order. The guaranteed order IDs have the format {exchange}-{legacy_guaranteed_order_id}.
defaultAdvertiserIdstringOutput only. The ID of default advertiser of the guaranteed order. The default advertiser is either the read_write_advertiser_id or, if that is not set, the first advertiser listed in read_advertiser_ids. Otherwise, there is no default advertiser.
readAccessInheritedbooleanWhether all advertisers of read_write_partner_id have read access to the guaranteed order. Only applicable if read_write_partner_id is set. If True, overrides read_advertiser_ids.
publisherNamestringRequired. The publisher name of the guaranteed order. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a maximum size of 240 bytes.
readAdvertiserIdsarrayThe IDs of advertisers with read access to the guaranteed order. This field must not include the advertiser assigned to read_write_advertiser_id if it is set. All advertisers in this field must belong to read_write_partner_id or the same partner as read_write_advertiser_id.
readWritePartnerIdstringThe partner with read/write access to the guaranteed order.
exchangestringRequired. Immutable. The exchange where the guaranteed order originated.
legacyGuaranteedOrderIdstringOutput only. The legacy ID of the guaranteed order. Assigned by the original exchange. The legacy ID is unique within one exchange, but is not guaranteed to be unique across all guaranteed orders. This ID is used in SDF and UI.
readWriteAdvertiserIdstringThe advertiser with read/write access to the guaranteed order. This is also the default advertiser of the guaranteed order.
displayNamestringRequired. The display name of the guaranteed order. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a maximum size of 240 bytes.
updateTimestringOutput only. The timestamp when the guaranteed order was last updated. Assigned by the system.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
guaranteedOrders_getSELECTguaranteedOrdersIdGets a guaranteed order.
guaranteedOrders_listSELECTLists guaranteed orders that are accessible to the current user. The order is defined by the order_by parameter. If a filter by entity_status is not specified, guaranteed orders with entity status ENTITY_STATUS_ARCHIVED will not be included in the results.
guaranteedOrders_createINSERTCreates a new guaranteed order. Returns the newly created guaranteed order if successful.
guaranteedOrders_editGuaranteedOrderReadAccessorsEXECguaranteedOrdersIdEdits read advertisers of a guaranteed order.
guaranteedOrders_patchEXECguaranteedOrdersIdUpdates an existing guaranteed order. Returns the updated guaranteed order if successful.