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namestringOutput only. The resource name of the creative.
integrationCodestringID information used to link this creative to an external system. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a length of no more than 10,000 characters.
creativeAttributesarrayOutput only. A list of attributes of the creative that is generated by the system.
requireHtml5booleanOptional. Indicates that the creative relies on HTML5 to render properly. Optional and only valid for third-party tag creatives. Third-party tag creatives are creatives with following hosting_source: HOSTING_SOURCE_THIRD_PARTY combined with following creative_type: CREATIVE_TYPE_STANDARD * CREATIVE_TYPE_EXPANDABLE
hostingSourcestringRequired. Indicates where the creative is hosted.
creativeTypestringRequired. Immutable. The type of the creative.
skippablebooleanWhether the user can choose to skip a video creative. This field is only supported for the following creative_type: * CREATIVE_TYPE_VIDEO
cmTrackingAdobjectA Campaign Manager 360 tracking ad.
creativeIdstringOutput only. The unique ID of the creative. Assigned by the system.
trackerUrlsarrayTracking URLs for analytics providers or third-party ad technology vendors. The URLs must start with https (except on inventory that doesn't require SSL compliance). If using macros in your URL, use only macros supported by Display & Video 360. Standard URLs only, no IMG or SCRIPT tags. This field is only supported in following creative_type: CREATIVE_TYPE_NATIVE CREATIVE_TYPE_NATIVE_SITE_SQUARE CREATIVE_TYPE_NATIVE_APP_INSTALL CREATIVE_TYPE_NATIVE_APP_INSTALL_SQUARE * CREATIVE_TYPE_NATIVE_VIDEO
assetsarrayRequired. Assets associated to this creative. Assets can be associated to the creative in one of following roles: ASSET_ROLE_UNSPECIFIED ASSET_ROLE_MAIN ASSET_ROLE_BACKUP ASSET_ROLE_POLITE_LOAD
notesstringUser notes for this creative. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a length of no more than 20,000 characters.
lineItemIdsarrayOutput only. The IDs of the line items this creative is associated with. To associate a creative to a line item, use LineItem.creative_ids instead.
progressOffsetobjectThe length an audio or a video has been played.
requireMraidbooleanOptional. Indicates that the creative requires MRAID (Mobile Rich Media Ad Interface Definitions system). Set this if the creative relies on mobile gestures for interactivity, such as swiping or tapping. Optional and only valid for third-party tag creatives. Third-party tag creatives are creatives with following hosting_source: HOSTING_SOURCE_THIRD_PARTY combined with following creative_type: CREATIVE_TYPE_STANDARD * CREATIVE_TYPE_EXPANDABLE
updateTimestringOutput only. The timestamp when the creative was last updated, either by the user or system (e.g. creative review). Assigned by the system.
jsTrackerUrlstringJavaScript measurement URL from supported third-party verification providers (ComScore, DoubleVerify, IAS, Moat). HTML script tags are not supported. This field is only supported in following creative_type: CREATIVE_TYPE_NATIVE CREATIVE_TYPE_NATIVE_SITE_SQUARE CREATIVE_TYPE_NATIVE_APP_INSTALL CREATIVE_TYPE_NATIVE_APP_INSTALL_SQUARE * CREATIVE_TYPE_NATIVE_VIDEO
reviewStatusobjectReview statuses for the creative.
iasCampaignMonitoringbooleanIndicates whether Integral Ad Science (IAS) campaign monitoring is enabled. To enable this for the creative, make sure the Advertiser.creative_config.ias_client_id has been set to your IAS client ID.
oggAudiobooleanOutput only. Indicates the third-party audio creative supports OGG. Output only and only valid for third-party audio creatives. Third-party audio creatives are creatives with following hosting_source: HOSTING_SOURCE_THIRD_PARTY combined with following creative_type: CREATIVE_TYPE_AUDIO
timerEventsarrayTimer custom events for a rich media creative. Timers track the time during which a user views and interacts with a specified part of a rich media creative. A creative can have multiple timer events, each timed independently. Leave it empty or unset for creatives containing image assets only.
advertiserIdstringOutput only. The unique ID of the advertiser the creative belongs to.
dynamicbooleanOutput only. Indicates whether the creative is dynamic.
additionalDimensionsarrayAdditional dimensions. Applicable when creative_type is one of: CREATIVE_TYPE_STANDARD CREATIVE_TYPE_EXPANDABLE CREATIVE_TYPE_NATIVE CREATIVE_TYPE_TEMPLATED_APP_INSTALL CREATIVE_TYPE_NATIVE_SITE_SQUARE CREATIVE_TYPE_LIGHTBOX CREATIVE_TYPE_NATIVE_APP_INSTALL CREATIVE_TYPE_NATIVE_APP_INSTALL_SQUARE * CREATIVE_TYPE_PUBLISHER_HOSTED If this field is specified, width_pixels and height_pixels are both required and must be greater than or equal to 0.
createTimestringOutput only. The timestamp when the creative was created. Assigned by the system.
mp3AudiobooleanOutput only. Indicates the third-party audio creative supports MP3. Output only and only valid for third-party audio creatives. Third-party audio creatives are creatives with following hosting_source: HOSTING_SOURCE_THIRD_PARTY combined with following creative_type: CREATIVE_TYPE_AUDIO
entityStatusstringRequired. Controls whether or not the creative can serve. Accepted values are: ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE ENTITY_STATUS_ARCHIVED * ENTITY_STATUS_PAUSED
vastTagUrlstringOptional. The URL of the VAST tag for a third-party VAST tag creative. Required and only valid for third-party VAST tag creatives. Third-party VAST tag creatives are creatives with following hosting_source: HOSTING_SOURCE_THIRD_PARTY combined with following creative_type: CREATIVE_TYPE_AUDIO * CREATIVE_TYPE_VIDEO
universalAdIdobjectA creative identifier provided by a registry that is unique across all platforms. This is part of the VAST 4.0 standard.
appendedTagstringThird-party HTML tracking tag to be appended to the creative tag.
displayNamestringRequired. The display name of the creative. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a maximum size of 240 bytes.
transcodesarrayOutput only. Audio/Video transcodes. Display & Video 360 transcodes the main asset into a number of alternative versions that use different file formats or have different properties (resolution, audio bit rate, and video bit rate), each designed for specific video players or bandwidths. These transcodes give a publisher's system more options to choose from for each impression on your video and ensures that the appropriate file serves based on the viewer’s connection and screen size. This field is only supported in following creative_type: CREATIVE_TYPE_VIDEO CREATIVE_TYPE_NATIVE_VIDEO * CREATIVE_TYPE_AUDIO
companionCreativeIdsarrayThe IDs of companion creatives for a video creative. You can assign existing display creatives (with image or HTML5 assets) to serve surrounding the publisher's video player. Companions display around the video player while the video is playing and remain after the video has completed. Creatives contain additional dimensions can not be companion creatives. This field is only supported for following creative_type: CREATIVE_TYPE_AUDIO CREATIVE_TYPE_VIDEO
skipOffsetobjectThe length an audio or a video has been played.
exitEventsarrayRequired. Exit events for this creative. An exit (also known as a click tag) is any area in your creative that someone can click or tap to open an advertiser's landing page. Every creative must include at least one exit. You can add an exit to your creative in any of the following ways: Use Google Web Designer's tap area. Define a JavaScript variable called "clickTag". * Use the Enabler (Enabler.exit()) to track exits in rich media formats.
obaIconobjectOBA Icon for a Creative
thirdPartyTagstringOptional. The original third-party tag used for the creative. Required and only valid for third-party tag creatives. Third-party tag creatives are creatives with following hosting_source: HOSTING_SOURCE_THIRD_PARTY combined with following creative_type: CREATIVE_TYPE_STANDARD * CREATIVE_TYPE_EXPANDABLE
vpaidbooleanOutput only. Indicates the third-party VAST tag creative requires VPAID (Digital Video Player-Ad Interface). Output only and only valid for third-party VAST tag creatives. Third-party VAST tag creatives are creatives with following hosting_source: HOSTING_SOURCE_THIRD_PARTY combined with following creative_type: CREATIVE_TYPE_VIDEO
cmPlacementIdstringOutput only. The unique ID of the Campaign Manager 360 placement associated with the creative. This field is only applicable for creatives that are synced from Campaign Manager.
expandOnHoverbooleanOptional. Indicates the creative will automatically expand on hover. Optional and only valid for third-party expandable creatives. Third-party expandable creatives are creatives with following hosting source: HOSTING_SOURCE_THIRD_PARTY combined with following creative_type: CREATIVE_TYPE_EXPANDABLE
expandingDirectionstringOptional. Specifies the expanding direction of the creative. Required and only valid for third-party expandable creatives. Third-party expandable creatives are creatives with following hosting source: HOSTING_SOURCE_THIRD_PARTY combined with following creative_type: CREATIVE_TYPE_EXPANDABLE
requirePingForAttributionbooleanOptional. Indicates that the creative will wait for a return ping for attribution. Only valid when using a Campaign Manager 360 tracking ad with a third-party ad server parameter and the ${DC_DBM_TOKEN} macro. Optional and only valid for third-party tag creatives or third-party VAST tag creatives. Third-party tag creatives are creatives with following hosting_source: HOSTING_SOURCE_THIRD_PARTY combined with following creative_type: CREATIVE_TYPE_STANDARD CREATIVE_TYPE_EXPANDABLE Third-party VAST tag creatives are creatives with following hosting_source: HOSTING_SOURCE_THIRD_PARTY combined with following creative_type: CREATIVE_TYPE_AUDIO CREATIVE_TYPE_VIDEO
html5VideobooleanOutput only. Indicates the third-party VAST tag creative requires HTML5 Video support. Output only and only valid for third-party VAST tag creatives. Third-party VAST tag creatives are creatives with following hosting_source: HOSTING_SOURCE_THIRD_PARTY combined with following creative_type: CREATIVE_TYPE_VIDEO
mediaDurationstringOutput only. Media duration of the creative. Applicable when creative_type is one of: CREATIVE_TYPE_VIDEO CREATIVE_TYPE_AUDIO CREATIVE_TYPE_NATIVE_VIDEO CREATIVE_TYPE_PUBLISHER_HOSTED
counterEventsarrayCounter events for a rich media creative. Counters track the number of times that a user interacts with any part of a rich media creative in a specified way (mouse-overs, mouse-outs, clicks, taps, data loading, keyboard entries, etc.). Any event that can be captured in the creative can be recorded as a counter. Leave it empty or unset for creatives containing image assets only.
thirdPartyUrlsarrayTracking URLs from third parties to track interactions with a video creative. This field is only supported for the following creative_type: CREATIVE_TYPE_AUDIO CREATIVE_TYPE_VIDEO * CREATIVE_TYPE_NATIVE_VIDEO


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
advertisers_creatives_getSELECTadvertisersId, creativesIdGets a creative.
advertisers_creatives_listSELECTadvertisersIdLists creatives in an advertiser. The order is defined by the order_by parameter. If a filter by entity_status is not specified, creatives with ENTITY_STATUS_ARCHIVED will not be included in the results.
advertisers_creatives_createINSERTadvertisersIdCreates a new creative. Returns the newly created creative if successful.
advertisers_creatives_deleteDELETEadvertisersId, creativesIdDeletes a creative. Returns error code NOT_FOUND if the creative does not exist. The creative should be archived first, i.e. set entity_status to ENTITY_STATUS_ARCHIVED, before it can be deleted.
advertisers_creatives_patchEXECadvertisersId, creativesIdUpdates an existing creative. Returns the updated creative if successful.