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namestringOutput only. The resource name of the first and third party audience.
descriptionstringThe user-provided description of the audience. Only applicable to first party audiences.
displayDesktopAudienceSizestringOutput only. The estimated desktop audience size in Display network. If the size is less than 1000, the number will be hidden and 0 will be returned due to privacy reasons. Otherwise, the number will be rounded off to two significant digits. Only applicable to first party audiences. Only returned in GET request.
youtubeAudienceSizestringOutput only. The estimated audience size for YouTube network. If the size is less than 1000, the number will be hidden and 0 will be returned due to privacy reasons. Otherwise, the number will be rounded off to two significant digits. Only applicable to first party audiences. Only returned in GET request.
firstAndThirdPartyAudienceTypestringWhether the audience is a first or third party audience.
appIdstringThe app_id matches with the type of the mobile_device_ids being uploaded. Only applicable to audience_type CUSTOMER_MATCH_DEVICE_ID
firstAndThirdPartyAudienceIdstringOutput only. The unique ID of the first and third party audience. Assigned by the system.
displayMobileAppAudienceSizestringOutput only. The estimated mobile app audience size in Display network. If the size is less than 1000, the number will be hidden and 0 will be returned due to privacy reasons. Otherwise, the number will be rounded off to two significant digits. Only applicable to first party audiences. Only returned in GET request.
displayMobileWebAudienceSizestringOutput only. The estimated mobile web audience size in Display network. If the size is less than 1000, the number will be hidden and 0 will be returned due to privacy reasons. Otherwise, the number will be rounded off to two significant digits. Only applicable to first party audiences. Only returned in GET request.
mobileDeviceIdListobjectWrapper message for a list of mobile device IDs defining Customer Match audience members.
membershipDurationDaysstringThe duration in days that an entry remains in the audience after the qualifying event. If the audience has no expiration, set the value of this field to 10000. Otherwise, the set value must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 540. Only applicable to first party audiences. This field is required if one of the following audience_type is used: CUSTOMER_MATCH_CONTACT_INFO CUSTOMER_MATCH_DEVICE_ID
displayAudienceSizestringOutput only. The estimated audience size for the Display network. If the size is less than 1000, the number will be hidden and 0 will be returned due to privacy reasons. Otherwise, the number will be rounded off to two significant digits. Only returned in GET request.
activeDisplayAudienceSizestringOutput only. The estimated audience size for the Display network in the past month. If the size is less than 1000, the number will be hidden and 0 will be returned due to privacy reasons. Otherwise, the number will be rounded off to two significant digits. Only returned in GET request.
contactInfoListobjectWrapper message for a list of contact information defining Customer Match audience members.
gmailAudienceSizestringOutput only. The estimated audience size for Gmail network. If the size is less than 1000, the number will be hidden and 0 will be returned due to privacy reasons. Otherwise, the number will be rounded off to two significant digits. Only applicable to first party audiences. Only returned in GET request.
audienceSourcestringOutput only. The source of the audience.
displayNamestringThe display name of the first and third party audience.
audienceTypestringThe type of the audience.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
firstAndThirdPartyAudiences_getSELECTfirstAndThirdPartyAudiencesIdGets a first and third party audience.
firstAndThirdPartyAudiences_listSELECTLists first and third party audiences. The order is defined by the order_by parameter.
firstAndThirdPartyAudiences_createINSERTCreates a FirstAndThirdPartyAudience. Only supported for the following audience_type: CUSTOMER_MATCH_CONTACT_INFO CUSTOMER_MATCH_DEVICE_ID
firstAndThirdPartyAudiences_editCustomerMatchMembersEXECfirstAndThirdPartyAudiencesIdUpdates the member list of a Customer Match audience. Only supported for the following audience_type: CUSTOMER_MATCH_CONTACT_INFO CUSTOMER_MATCH_DEVICE_ID
firstAndThirdPartyAudiences_patchEXECfirstAndThirdPartyAudiencesIdUpdates an existing FirstAndThirdPartyAudience. Only supported for the following audience_type: CUSTOMER_MATCH_CONTACT_INFO CUSTOMER_MATCH_DEVICE_ID