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namestringOutput only. The resource name of the campaign.
updateTimestringOutput only. The timestamp when the campaign was last updated. Assigned by the system.
campaignFlightobjectSettings that track the planned spend and duration of a campaign.
displayNamestringRequired. The display name of the campaign. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a maximum size of 240 bytes.
campaignIdstringOutput only. The unique ID of the campaign. Assigned by the system.
campaignGoalobjectSettings that control the goal of a campaign.
entityStatusstringRequired. Controls whether or not the insertion orders under this campaign can spend their budgets and bid on inventory. Accepted values are ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE, ENTITY_STATUS_ARCHIVED, and ENTITY_STATUS_PAUSED. For CreateCampaign method, ENTITY_STATUS_ARCHIVED is not allowed.
campaignBudgetsarrayThe list of budgets available to this campaign. If this field is not set, the campaign uses an unlimited budget.
frequencyCapobjectSettings that control the number of times a user may be shown with the same ad during a given time period.
advertiserIdstringOutput only. The unique ID of the advertiser the campaign belongs to.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
advertisers_campaigns_getSELECTadvertisersId, campaignsIdGets a campaign.
advertisers_campaigns_listSELECTadvertisersIdLists campaigns in an advertiser. The order is defined by the order_by parameter. If a filter by entity_status is not specified, campaigns with ENTITY_STATUS_ARCHIVED will not be included in the results.
advertisers_campaigns_createINSERTadvertisersIdCreates a new campaign. Returns the newly created campaign if successful.
advertisers_campaigns_deleteDELETEadvertisersId, campaignsIdPermanently deletes a campaign. A deleted campaign cannot be recovered. The campaign should be archived first, i.e. set entity_status to ENTITY_STATUS_ARCHIVED, to be able to delete it.
advertisers_campaigns_patchEXECadvertisersId, campaignsIdUpdates an existing campaign. Returns the updated campaign if successful.