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namestringOutput only. The resource name of the insertion order.
insertionOrderIdstringOutput only. The unique ID of the insertion order. Assigned by the system.
pacingobjectSettings that control the rate at which a budget is spent.
insertionOrderTypestringThe type of insertion order. If this field is unspecified in creation, the value defaults to RTB.
displayNamestringRequired. The display name of the insertion order. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a maximum size of 240 bytes.
budgetobjectSettings that control how insertion order budget is allocated.
partnerCostsarrayThe partner costs associated with the insertion order. If absent or empty in CreateInsertionOrder method, the newly created insertion order will inherit partner costs from the partner settings.
updateTimestringOutput only. The timestamp when the insertion order was last updated. Assigned by the system.
frequencyCapobjectSettings that control the number of times a user may be shown with the same ad during a given time period.
performanceGoalobjectSettings that control the performance goal of a campaign or insertion order.
integrationDetailsobjectIntegration details of an entry.
advertiserIdstringOutput only. The unique ID of the advertiser the insertion order belongs to.
billableOutcomestringImmutable. The billable outcome of the insertion order.
entityStatusstringRequired. Controls whether or not the insertion order can spend its budget and bid on inventory. For CreateInsertionOrder method, only ENTITY_STATUS_DRAFT is allowed. To activate an insertion order, use UpdateInsertionOrder method and update the status to ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE after creation. An insertion order cannot be changed back to ENTITY_STATUS_DRAFT status from any other status. * An insertion order cannot be set to ENTITY_STATUS_ACTIVE if its parent campaign is not active.
bidStrategyobjectSettings that control the bid strategy. Bid strategy determines the bid price.
campaignIdstringRequired. Immutable. The unique ID of the campaign that the insertion order belongs to.
reservationTypestringOutput only. The reservation type of the insertion order.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
advertisers_insertionOrders_getSELECTadvertisersId, insertionOrdersIdGets an insertion order. Returns error code NOT_FOUND if the insertion order does not exist.
advertisers_insertionOrders_listSELECTadvertisersIdLists insertion orders in an advertiser. The order is defined by the order_by parameter. If a filter by entity_status is not specified, insertion orders with ENTITY_STATUS_ARCHIVED will not be included in the results.
advertisers_insertionOrders_createINSERTadvertisersIdCreates a new insertion order. Returns the newly created insertion order if successful.
advertisers_insertionOrders_deleteDELETEadvertisersId, insertionOrdersIdDeletes an insertion order. Returns error code NOT_FOUND if the insertion order does not exist. The insertion order should be archived first, i.e. set entity_status to ENTITY_STATUS_ARCHIVED, to be able to delete it.
advertisers_insertionOrders_patchEXECadvertisersId, insertionOrdersIdUpdates an existing insertion order. Returns the updated insertion order if successful.