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namestringOutput only. The resource name of the inventory source.
rateDetailsobjectThe rate related settings of the inventory source.
commitmentstringWhether the inventory source has a guaranteed or non-guaranteed delivery.
creativeConfigsarrayThe creative requirements of the inventory source. Not applicable for auction packages.
deliveryMethodstringThe delivery method of the inventory source. For non-guaranteed inventory sources, the only acceptable value is INVENTORY_SOURCE_DELIVERY_METHOD_PROGRAMMATIC. For guaranteed inventory sources, acceptable values are INVENTORY_SOURCE_DELIVERY_METHOD_TAG and INVENTORY_SOURCE_DELIVERY_METHOD_PROGRAMMATIC.
statusobjectThe status related settings of the inventory source.
guaranteedOrderIdstringImmutable. The ID of the guaranteed order that this inventory source belongs to. Only applicable when commitment is INVENTORY_SOURCE_COMMITMENT_GUARANTEED.
readPartnerIdsarrayOutput only. The IDs of partners with read-only access to the inventory source. All advertisers of partners in this field inherit read-only access to the inventory source.
inventorySourceIdstringOutput only. The unique ID of the inventory source. Assigned by the system.
publisherNamestringThe publisher/seller name of the inventory source.
readAdvertiserIdsarrayOutput only. The IDs of advertisers with read-only access to the inventory source.
inventorySourceTypestringDenotes the type of the inventory source.
readWriteAccessorsobjectThe partner or advertisers with access to the inventory source.
displayNamestringThe display name of the inventory source. Must be UTF-8 encoded with a maximum size of 240 bytes.
exchangestringThe exchange to which the inventory source belongs.
subSitePropertyIdstringImmutable. The unique ID of the sub-site property assigned to this inventory source.
inventorySourceProductTypestringOutput only. The product type of the inventory source, denoting the way through which it sells inventory.
timeRangeobjectA time range.
dealIdstringThe ID in the exchange space that uniquely identifies the inventory source. Must be unique across buyers within each exchange but not necessarily unique across exchanges.
updateTimestringOutput only. The timestamp when the inventory source was last updated. Assigned by the system.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
inventorySources_getSELECTinventorySourcesIdGets an inventory source.
inventorySources_listSELECTLists inventory sources that are accessible to the current user. The order is defined by the order_by parameter. If a filter by entity_status is not specified, inventory sources with entity status ENTITY_STATUS_ARCHIVED will not be included in the results.
inventorySources_createINSERTCreates a new inventory source. Returns the newly created inventory source if successful.
inventorySources_editInventorySourceReadWriteAccessorsEXECinventorySourcesIdEdits read/write accessors of an inventory source. Returns the updated read_write_accessors for the inventory source.
inventorySources_patchEXECinventorySourcesIdUpdates an existing inventory source. Returns the updated inventory source if successful.